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The Green Silk Road is in its early days, like a plant in need of water and nutrients. We're reaching out because we need your green thumbs! Volunteers are the heart of our mission, especially in communication, project development, and fundraising. Ready to help us grow? Volunteer now!

volunteers with kids in a school in Turkey
art activities with kids in a refugee camp
presentation about Auroville in Georgia

Regular posts : The Green Silk Road is managed from Auroville, where the three current team members gather twice a week in Aurelec. The office meetings allow deep discussions, vision for the project, advice sharing and cohesion. But The GSR also expands beyond boarders! Help us depicting what/who The GSR is day after day!

Summer School : This is the main project for year 2024. For the first time, The GSR wants to hold a Summer School which will provide content about GSR-related topics: knowledge, ecology, justice, democracy, economy. It adresses an audience of 20 participants, mainly students but not only: people from academic, artistic, political and business backgrounds too. Help us recruiting participants!


General information :The GSR wants to address worldwide topics. It contributes in spreading knowledge to each corner of the planet. Contemporary issues go way further than The GSR and Eurasia. Help us addressing the world!




Project Development

COP 29 : This year, the Conference of the Parties (COP) will happen in Baku, Azerbaijan. The GSR wants to get involved on site and spread its message to public authorities. We believe that GSR expertise can bring light to solve climate issues efficiently. Help us organizing an ambitious GSRxCOP journey!


Vikalp Sangam: November movement Vikalp Sangam (VS) is a main partner of The GSR. This Indian think tank provides vision and takes action for a better society as a whole. In November, VS wants to have a big event similar to a GSR journey, but within India only: the goal is to organize a movement of several Indian VS entities into alternative projects along the way, before gathering in a same place and share experiences. Help us paving this vision into action!



Crowdfunding : For now, the GSR does not generate incomes. The project relies on personal resources of the team members. Crowdfunding is a great tool to involve well-wishers in the realization of an ambitious project. Help us funding a better civilization!


Grants : Many donors are happy to contribute to long-lasting impact projects. The GSR is indeed one of them. Our goals are ambitious, they stand for the good of humanity as a whole. Before getting financially self-sufficient, we need the support of financial partners in which we trust. Help us reaching out to generous donors!

If you're interested in volunteering for any of the above opportunities, please reach out to us through our Contact Form 

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